
Advancing Bear Care: The Next Level
Advancing Bear Care
Apr 30, 2024, 5:00 PM PDT – May 03, 2024, 9:00 PM PDT
Oakland, CA, USA
The Bear Care Group is excited to host the Advancing Bear Care 2024 conference in Oakland, California. This year’s conference theme is “Advancing Bear Care: The Next Level”. In addition to covering “best practice” topics for the husbandry of bears under human care, we will also be exploring how zoos and sanctuaries can support the welfare of wild bears through collaborations with local fish and wildlife agencies. A full day of this conference will be dedicated to the issues facing wild bears who come into human care through human-bear conflict, and how through public education, messaging, and supporting rescued bears, zoos can play an important role in local bear conservation. This conference will include 3 full days of talks and panel discussions, in collaboration with the Oakland Zoo. A post-conference trip is also being planned for a smaller group of participants. More infomation to follow.
Full Registration
Includes: April 30th Icebreaker, May 1-3 Presentations at Oakland Zoo-lunch included, and final dinner on May 3rd.
Sale ended- $350.00+$8.75 ticket service fee
One Day Ticket
Individual conference day registrations
From $50.00 to $175.00Sale ended- $50.00+$1.25 ticket service fee
- $100.00+$2.50 ticket service fee
- $100.00+$2.50 ticket service fee